Monday, July 31, 2006

Going off-line for a while...

Hi folks...I'm going to be off-line for at least three weeks while I head home to take care of a family medical situation.

Hugs to you all, and I'll take all the good karma I can get!


Friday, July 28, 2006

Checking in from HotLanta...

Hey gang! I'm checking in from Atlanta, where I'm attending the Romance Writers of America convention. So far it's a total blast and I got to hand out a bunch of awards for the National Readers' Choice Awards last night, which is always great fun.

My OKRWA prez Deb Behrens and I got to walk about a mile yesterday afternoon to find, of all things, glitter for the tables. It was hot as hell, and we only got approached by panhandlers a few times, so it wasn't all that year I know to remember to pick that stuff up first *g*!

My best buds Jennifer Skully and Leigh Wyndfield were the glitter queens, and made the place look absolutely fabulous. They also enlisted CJ Barry, one of my favorite authors in the whole world, and one who I totally dissed at the ceremony with a computer error, so I feel like utter crap about that and am trying to figure out a way to make amends without prostrating myself at her feet and wailing!

Other than that holy-crap SNAFU, things are going swimmingly.

We'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming when I get back next week, and I'll post some pics!

Talk at y'all then!


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Of writing and weight loss...

This week has been…interesting. I pumped out 3,500 words of View to a Kill on Saturday, and then did mostly admin stuff on Sunday. I’m trying a new “system” with the two books I’m working on now…writing one at home and one at work. Since Sea of Dreams is shorter, I’m not concentrating on that as much, at least when it comes to word count. I figured that if I wanna finish both by 1 November, I need to write 1250 words a day on VtaK and 400 on SoD (taking two days a week off). I can do that pretty easily as long as I don’t distract myself with solitaire .

On the weight loss/healthy eating front, things are looking up! I lost four pounds over the last few weeks, which is way cool, considering I’d been on the blah plateau for a loooong time (like six months). Rather than doing the exercise thing, I decided to take one solid month and change my eating habits. So I pretty much cut out booze (which totally SUCKS), except for a drink or two on weekends, and have been obsessively watching what I eat…not so much the calories, but the content…you know, am I eating too many carbs? Not enough protein? How’s my fiber looking? Being almost 40 sucks! The whole process bit the big one for the first few weeks, but now I’ve pretty much trained myself . In weird news, I always knew I was a carnivore (farm girl and all), but DAMN…I was powering down a TON of protein but hardly any carbs (well, except for abovementioned booze ).

The plan from now on is to keep it up, and start adding exercise in slowly after 1 August…cross fingers for me!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Talkin' 'bout Books...Heat Stroke, Rachel Caine

Sorry I'm a few hours late today...I left my friggin' pin drive at work!

What I'm reading now: Darker than Midnight, by Maggie Shayne

Heat Stroke
Rachel Caine
This is the second book in the Weather Warden series, and tho it’s defined as Sci Fi/Fantasy (and shelved there), this is most definitely a romance! The continuing story of Joanne Baldwin, who died in the first book and was brought back as a Djinn, she’s now got a whole new set of problems, the first of which is learning how to be Djinn. Together with her Djinn lover David, she sets about her “lessons” and quickly discovers there’s a force invading the earth that could very well spell the end of the world. Flicker-quick and decidedly sensual, this series is a must-have for folks who like their romance with action, adventure and intrigue.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Movie/Music Monday…Disturbed and Pirates

Sorry I wasn't around much last week…I was just in one of those moods that didn’t lend to committing to anything *g*.

Today I wanted to kick off something that I’ll try to maintain each week…a movie/music Monday. I’m a huge music fan, and while I don’t go to movies as much as I used to, I do watch a lot on TV or video.

Sooo, with no further ado…

Music: Disturbed, 10,000 Fists—Now I love alternative music, much to my husband’s dismay (he calls it a bunch of screaming), and a friend loaned me Disturbed’s newest release…damn, it totally rocks. If you listen to an alternative/harder rock radio station, then I can guarantee you’ve heard at least three of these cuts, and yesterday I heard their cover of Genesis’ Land of Confusion on my local station. All in all, great guitar licks, awesome vocals and kick-ass lyrics (especially on Stricken where they say… “You come on like a bloodstained hurricane"…I freakin LOVE that imagery!) Overall Grade: A

Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean 2—We saw this yesterday. Let me preface by saying I absolutely *adored* the first movie…or at least all the parts with Johnny Depp in them. I could care less about Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom, but Capt Jack, oh yeah. Now, having said that, this one was a bit of a disappointment to me. It was at least 45 minutes too long, and each of those moments could have been cut from the plot, at least IMO. The plot was overly convoluted and too touchy-feely for me to do much but fidget until the real action started in the last quarter of the flick. And Davey Jones? Reminded me waaaaaay too much of the aliens in Independence Day. I really dug the end (from where they arrive on the final island) and *that* part had no problem in keeping my attention, because it was what I’d gone to see…swashbuckling action with Johnny Depp’s priceless facial expressions and quips. Overall Grade: B-

Friday, July 07, 2006

Freaky Destination Friday...Yosemite Valley

So I thought I'd post a smidge about some of the places I've lived/been on Fridays, since I've pretty much been to hell and gone *g*.

Today's missive is about Yosemite National Park, a place near and dear to my heart. I lived there for almost five years back in the day, and by "lived there", I mean actually lived *in* the Park, pretty much under the shadow of Half Dome.

Yosemite is one of those awe-inspiring places... The main Valley itself is just magnificent, with granite carved monolithic that rise 2,000 feet above the valley floor. Half Dome is obviously a favorite, and when I was sixteen, we hiked to the top and spent the night up there, watching a lightning show as it rolled into the Valley. Not the smartest thing to do *g*, but hell, I was sixteen! LOL.

Glacier Point is a don't-miss location, and you can drive there *g*...heck, even my husband, who's a city boy through and through was totally impressed. There's a story that Lyle Alzedo (a football great with the Raiders) was hung by his heels from Inspiration Point (2,000 foot drop, then splat), and since the story came from my boyfriend at the time, who was a linebacker for the Chargers before he blew out a knee, and he was the one doing the hanging, I believe it.

But some of the coolest locations in Yosemite are off the beaten path. When I was going through my (*ahem*) altered-reality stage *g*, we used to go spirit-walking up the Mirror Lake Canyon, where a good number of the local Indian tribe were massacred by the Mariposa Battalion back in the day to make it safe for white settlers. Lemme tell you, wanna talk about shivers and things that *do* go bump in the night? Holy crap. We had more than one totally freaky experience there (I'll spill all at another time), but the most comical is something that happened years later.

See, I'd told my hubby all of the things that had happened there, and he just gave me a condescending look and said that we were all high, and it was mass hypnosis. Soooo, the last time we visited, I took him out to Mirror Lake. Keep in mind it's broad daylight, and there's about 100 tourists walking with/around us. Anyway, we're walking the dirt path, happy as you please, when he gets this kinda panicked expression and asks if I feel anything weird. Now I was fine, so I asked him what he was talking about. He said that it felt like someone was reaching through the ground and latching onto his legs...almost like he was dragging them through drying cement. This went on for a good quarter-mile, and he's getting more freaked out by the second, so finally I pull him off, down to the paved road, and voila, he's fine.

All I can figure is that he was being whacked in the head (metaphorically, of course *g*) by a soldier or Indian brave who died there, since he's a warrior himself (Air Force).

He swears to this day that he'll never set foot on that patch of land again, but at least now he believes me! LOL.

So anyway, that's the first in my installment of fun (but weird) places to go...if you wanna feel the *power* of someplace, Yosemite is definitely a go-to spot!

Next time I'll talk a bit more about what I saw/felt over my time there.

Have a fabooooo weekend!


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th, y'all!

So, about 17 years ago I was living in Yosemite National Park, and driving back from Mammoth Lakes after spending a long weekend there. As my roomie and I pulled into Yosemite Village (kind of the central part of the inhabited area of the Park), there goes my fire engine, #7, closely followed by my Captain in our wildland truck. How he saw me, I'll never know, since our pickup looked like about a thousand others, but he leaned out the window, holled "!" at me, and then he was gone.

So like the good volunteer firefighter I was, we screeched to a halt in front of the 'house, my roomie took over the wheel (since there was NO WAY I could drive a Chevy S-10 stickshift in my turnouts), and we hauled ass to the stables, on the other side of the park. We blew through about five stopsigns, all luckily manned by park rangers who knew us and waved us on.

We spent eight hours fighting a tree-top to tree-top fire, and thank goodness, no one got hurt! And what started it? A couple of kids playing with firecrackers.

I guess my big message in this blog is BE CAREFUL!! Pretty much everyone I know buys firecrackers (including us), but make sure you've got adequate "put-out" materials handy in case your fun turns into something else.

As a totally fun aside (after that little public service message), Engine #7 that I referenced above was the truck you saw on Emergency, the TV remember (if you're an old fart like me)...Jonny Gage and Roy DeSoto??? LOL. Anyway, when Emergency went off the air, the truck went back to LA fire for a bit, until Yosemite Park & Curry Co (which was owned by MCA) asked for a new truck...and we got Engine #51 for a buck!!

If you check out the first link, you'll see that they say they have a staff of ten pail/on-call folks...hmmm...I wonder if things have changed since I was on-call, because we only got paid $5 a call! LOL!

That's it for me...y'all have a FAB, safe 4th!!!
