To start with -- happy Father's day to all you Dads out there!!! Hope you've got your feet up, beer in hand, and are watching the soccer match or baseball game, or whatever!
Had a fabooo time with my RWA chapters sisters yesterday, and then had to say a tearful goodbye to our best friends, who are leaving Oklahoma City for Charleston (yeah, I know, horrible, horrible move for them VBG). This is the second time we've been stationed together, and I remember crying like a baby when we left for the Azores...heck, at least we're on the same continent this time!! Didn't stop me from fogging up my sunglasses this time around tho...
So I'm in my meeting yesterday and we're all congratulating my buddy Cindy Marolt on her pending big news (we should know more by Tuesday at the latest) when the freakin' power goes out... Our meeting room is right next door to the mall security office, so the very polite officer sticks his head in the door and says, "Are you ladies gonna be okay?" at which point I, being a complete A-type loudmouth replied "We're romance writers, we work best in the dark!" He mumbled something, and if we'd been able to actually see his face, I'm sure he would have been purple with embarrassment. It was still kinda fun to!! LOL
Oh, and I won an awesome cool coffee mug that my friend Rinda made (see her blog The Write Snark in my links), that says "My heroines aren't the only ones who kick ass!" I LOVE it!
In other news, I wrote "the end" on my current work in progress (yeah!!!!), so once I get the go-ahead from my publisher, will be putting out an excerpt and such both here and on the main site.
Well, that's pretty much it for me to call my Pop!