Sunday, April 30, 2006

Ends of the Earth got a new review!

Hey gang -- I just wanted to pop in and say "hi". We didn't do much this rained all day on Saturday (but we needed it...bad!), and then today we chilled in the backyard, enjoying the 80 degree temps. I did get a bit written on my latest WIP...I'll be posting it to the website before I leave for the Romantic Times Convention in Daytona on the 15th, tho...promise!

In other news, Ends of the Earth, my most recent release, got a *great* review from Just Erotic Romance Reviews...check it out!

Ms. Ramsay has a dynamic sharply written story in her second book of the Runequest series. Ends of the Earth appears to be a story of opposites yet as the pages unfold you find yourself drawn into the characters, their individual pain and their realization they can only find happiness together. Chloe and Logan's passion leaps off the pages and I was thinking that the desert of the Tecoya tribe was very, very hot! Even though this is a short story, I felt engulfed into their world of fear, love and passion. Ends of the Earth is a delightful romance with heated passion that was written by the deft hand of Ms. Ramsay. I highly suggest this romance. -- Julie Esparza

That's it for me, at least for atcha all shortly!


Friday, April 28, 2006

Book of the Week...The Good, the Bad and the Undead

I'll admit it, I've been hoarding the last two Kim Harrison books because I was waiting, hoping, praying for the fourth to come out. Then I just couldn't help myself , so dove in, knowing I was in for a great read. I wasn't disappointed. Rachel Morgan is back, along with Ivy, Jenks, Trent and everyone who makes the alternate-reality Cincinnati so compelling. The primary thrust of this book is Rachel's hunt for the serial killer stalking ley-line witches. Fast and furious, Harrison doesn't exclude Rachel's inner growth or her continuing turmoil over her relationship with Ivy. Though you can read this as a stand alone, I'd highly recommend you pick up the first book, Dead Witch Walking, to fully immerse you into this world…clear your calendar, 'cause you'll be finishing this one well into the wee hours and then grabbing Every Which Way But Dead!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Book of the Week...Moon Called

And so begins the saga of me posting a book a week that I truly enjoyed. Once upon a time I did book reviews off my website, but found I was doing more of that than writing . Soooo, with no further ado...

Moon Called, Patricia Briggs

This is one of those books I picked up because Amazon (yes, I know they're evil, but I still buy from them anyway) recommended for me, and boy, was it ever worth it! This is the beginning of a series (God, I *really* hope it's a series) that features Mercy, a skinwalker, and the trials and tribulations she goes through while trying to deal with not only her heritage, but the sexy werewolf next door, the vampires down the road, and a few witches tossed in for good measure. Oh, and don't forget the gremlins! If you're like me and love paranormals with bite (no pun intended), go pick this bad boy up today!!


Sunday, April 09, 2006

I will cease my slacking ways!!!

Waaay back when I started this blog I was gonna use it as all manner of things, and to date I've pretty much done bupkus. Soooo, now that it's April and everyone has pretty much ditched their New Year's resolutions (including me), I'm gonna try again.

This weekend I was almost a complete waste. I say almost because I actually went grocery shopping and wrote 2,000 words on a story I'm not supposed to be writing yet. Sigh. It's a really cool story tho! LOL. Once I get a few chapters done, I'll post them to the main site and y'all can tell me if they're crap or not.

Let's see...what else? Oh, vegged in front of the TV and pseudo-watched the Master's. While I only follow sports in an ancillary fashion (my hubby's the nut), after 15 years of marraige, I know waaaay more than I should about pretty much everything. So I was thrilled to see Phil Mickelson win again...not Tiger. Sorry, but for some reason the dude just gets under my skin. Oh yeah, maybe it's because I think he made a pact with the devil to get where he is (VBEG).

Well, that's it for me atcha in a few days!!


Thursday, April 06, 2006


Just got news today that I won the Great Expectations contest for my single title, The Saints of Midland. It was good news/bad news...the editor loved my voice, but questioned the saleability of the manuscript...soooo, she asked that I send my first two books (which I now own the rights on) to her to see if it's something they'd be interested in. Gulp. Cross your fingers, toes, and other appendages for me!!!
