Friday, April 28, 2006

Book of the Week...The Good, the Bad and the Undead

I'll admit it, I've been hoarding the last two Kim Harrison books because I was waiting, hoping, praying for the fourth to come out. Then I just couldn't help myself , so dove in, knowing I was in for a great read. I wasn't disappointed. Rachel Morgan is back, along with Ivy, Jenks, Trent and everyone who makes the alternate-reality Cincinnati so compelling. The primary thrust of this book is Rachel's hunt for the serial killer stalking ley-line witches. Fast and furious, Harrison doesn't exclude Rachel's inner growth or her continuing turmoil over her relationship with Ivy. Though you can read this as a stand alone, I'd highly recommend you pick up the first book, Dead Witch Walking, to fully immerse you into this world…clear your calendar, 'cause you'll be finishing this one well into the wee hours and then grabbing Every Which Way But Dead!


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