Wednesday, March 15, 2006

And I actually *thought* about moving to South Dakota

Hi gang -- I'm baaack (stop running scared!). So once upon a time my hubby and I were weighing the pros and cons between moving to our own little slice of heaven here in Oklahoma or going to Rapid City (actually Ellsworth AFB). In the end we obviously ended up here in OK, and right now, I couldn't be more friggin' glad.

I know most of you have already heard the pontification of the not-so-honorable Bill Napoli on the SD Legislature's recent ban on abortion. Pisses me off to no end and makes me pretty damned glad that we chose Oklahoma. Damn, that's saying something, now isn't it?

For folks who have much more wisdom and have said everything I not only wanted to say, but much more eloquently, check out Bill Napoli It's friggin brilliant.

Okay, no more venting for me tonight.

Talk atcha all soon.


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