Sunday, April 09, 2006

I will cease my slacking ways!!!

Waaay back when I started this blog I was gonna use it as all manner of things, and to date I've pretty much done bupkus. Soooo, now that it's April and everyone has pretty much ditched their New Year's resolutions (including me), I'm gonna try again.

This weekend I was almost a complete waste. I say almost because I actually went grocery shopping and wrote 2,000 words on a story I'm not supposed to be writing yet. Sigh. It's a really cool story tho! LOL. Once I get a few chapters done, I'll post them to the main site and y'all can tell me if they're crap or not.

Let's see...what else? Oh, vegged in front of the TV and pseudo-watched the Master's. While I only follow sports in an ancillary fashion (my hubby's the nut), after 15 years of marraige, I know waaaay more than I should about pretty much everything. So I was thrilled to see Phil Mickelson win again...not Tiger. Sorry, but for some reason the dude just gets under my skin. Oh yeah, maybe it's because I think he made a pact with the devil to get where he is (VBEG).

Well, that's it for me atcha in a few days!!



Blogger PG Forte said...

A story you're not supposed to be writing yet, huh? Dare I hope it's one I've been waiting aeons for?

8:14 PM  

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