Friday, May 12, 2006

Off to Romantic Times, and my nonsense

Hey gang -- well, I'm getting ready to head off to the Romantic Times Convention on Tuesday. I'm really looking forward to it, if for no other reason than to hook up with my critique buds Jennifer Skully and Leigh Wyndfield. And yes, it's in Daytona Beach, so it's a real hardship :).

In other news, I've been jamming on my WIP, and hope to have more info I can share on it shortly. It's weird, cause I'm not one of those authors who can plot a damned thing out. I just start on the book and rock and roll from there. Sigh. I know when I sell to the big boys that's gonna be a problem since writing a synopsis is one of the major components of making your presentation, so I guess I'll just have to suck it up and move on.

When I get home tonight I'll post the start of the other book that's been floating around in my puny little brain...I think you'll like's full of mayhem, murder and the wooowooo factor right out the gate.

Well, I'd better skedaddle on to work (blech)...I'll post my Book of the Week this weekend, and then check in periodically from RT.

Talk atcha soon!



Blogger Dana Pollard said...

See you next week!!!!

8:52 AM  

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