Sunday, February 19, 2006

Ice Dancing??? WTF??

Okay, I've gotta admit it, I'm not much of a girly-girl when it comes to the Olympics...I'd much prefer seeing 'boarders on the halfpipe and skiiers jumping waaaaay higher than nature ever envisoned.

So I'm watching tonight (sorta, I was also working), and while I'm thrilled that one of our pairs placed so high, I'm kinda befuddled as to the whole concept. Apparently this sport (my husband insists loudly and often that it's not a sport) has been around for a good long time, but for the life of me, this is the first time I ever remember seeing it. It's pretty and all, and I'm sure takes an enormous amount of talent, but I'm just not "getting it" as an Olympic sport.

Sigh. Maybe I wouldn't be so cranky if the US had been able to put the puck in the freakin' net more than once today.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Greetings from Albuquerque!

So I'm in Albuquerque, NM for the annual Quality Services symposium and my head freakin' HURTS! LOL. Waaaaay too much info for this blonde little brain to compute. In happy news, I did get over 2K written on my WIP last night, and fully expect to get another 1K (at least) done tonight, so it's not all for naught. Hell, at this point, I'm enjoying writing (and reading) something that doesn't involve patient safety, medical facility compliance and the like.

When it comes to the whole gym/weight loss gig, I'm officially on sabbatical this week. Between hustling out the door on Sunday and making sure I got the taxes done before I left, I completely spaced bringing my workout clothes with me. Freudian slip? Probably *G*, but I'll live with it!

Because I'm on the road, I'll probly be checking in more often, and hopefully getting myself into the habit of posting here!

If you've a mind to, check out my friend Leigh Wyndfield's blog . She's always got something intersting to say *g*.

Okay, here's hoping I'll be talking atcha tomorrow!


Sunday, February 05, 2006

So this is the hunky cover to my first "solo" Keira Ramsay book and I wanted to share ! Okay, now onto the resolutions part (blech).

Well, I’ve been at this all of two weeks, so all I’ve got are initial findings to report. I weighed in at 229. Stop gasping for air! LOL! I’m 6’ tall, so at that weight I’m 45 pounds over my “Air Force” weight, which is my final goal, if not a smidge less. When it comes to eating, it amazes me how much my appetite decreased by making an effort to drink my 60 oz of water…AND how I was able to eat the stuff I wanted and still be full by 7 pm. It’s kinda funny, but writing this down to share also validates it in a big way. I figure I’ll weigh in once a month, so let’s set that for the third Wednesday of each month, K?

When it comes to writing, I’ve been booking along on my new project, and have met all of my writing goals, which was 750 words per day, taking Friday off. Now I’ve got to go get today’s done!

Have a great week and talk atcha on Wednesday!
